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【President, Spokesperson】

Keh-Yen Lin

BA of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tunghai University.

【Executive Vice President 】

Te-Hsiung Hsu

Master of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

【Senior Vice President of Utility Division】


BA of Mechanical Engineering, Ming Chi Technical Institute

【Senior Vice President 】

Chia-Yi Chen

Master of Civil Engineering, Ohio State University

【Senior Vice President of Olefins Division】


Master of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University

【Senior Vice President of Refinery Division】

Chih-Ching Lin

Master of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

【Senior Vice President 】

He-Chi Chen

EMBA of National Taipei University

【Chief Financial Officer】

Chien-Tang Tsai

BA of Industrial Engineering, Tunghai University.

【Accounting Supervisor】


BA of Finance, National Sun Yat-san University

【Assistant Vice President of President Office, Auditor General】

Wen-Hsien Hsu

BA of Environmental Science, Feng Chia University